Yuliyana Krivoshapkina tour dates


Spring 2019

USA - with Chirgilchin

May 4 Provincetown, MA // Concert at Provincetown Town Hall

May 8 Washington, DC // TBA

May 10 Olympia, WA // Concert and Workshops at Octapas

May 11 Bellingham, WA // Concert at Bellingham Alternative Library

May 12 Bellingham, WA // Workshop at Bellingham Alternative Library

May 12 Langley, WA // Concert at Music for the Eyes

May 13 Langley, WA // TBD

May 17 Portland, OR // Concert at The Old Church

May 18 Ashland, OR // Concert at Jackson Wellsprings

May 19 Ashland, OR // Workshops at Jackson Wellsprings

May 22 Los Angeles, CA // Concert at Zebulon

May 23 Ojai, CA // Concert at Greater Goods

May 24 San Francisco, CA // Concert at San Francisco International Arts Festival

May 25-27 Santa Cruz, CA // Throat Singing and Khomus camp, location TBA